FREE BOOK Reveals: 'The 5 Step Management Hack to Boost Profits Without Working More'

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The Latest Help for the Independent CEO or Business
Owner Struggling to Turn Around Financial Performance 

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Get Ready To Stop Wasting Time, Money and Potential

"These are the revelations for those CEOs and business owners that are serious about addressing their current financial plight"

I once loathed the "bean counter" persona that followed me around.

The negativity I once encountered to the concept of finance as a value add meant my livelihood suffered.

Finance lost its MOJO when logic and accountability went out the window. Had the world gone nuts? 

And That's When It Hit Me...

Most CEOs and business owners are focusing on the wrong things! 

The symptoms, not the cause.

Not understanding all their enablers and, in particular, how finance must become a value add!

How do I know?

Well, I once tried something RADICALLY different to salvage my employers' dire financial position and, guess what, it worked!

​The Management HACK that becomes the means to implement your Financial Trouble Shooting masterstroke

Here's A Sneak Peek of What's Inside:

significant $’s will continue to leak from your grasp if you fail to manoeuvre 5 key enablers! 

HOW TO reach your new profit target

  • What are the benefits of exploring new ways to manage your business in current times.
  • ​Management should be all encompassing, and most CEOs and business owners are focusing on the wrong things.
  • Culture starts with leadership. It’s your job to create an environment where your team thrives and takes ownership of their results.
  • You need to discover how to remedy the critical accountability failures in your business.
  • ​There are two types of leaders when it comes to culture, the abdicator and the delegator. You must strive to be the delegator.
  • Every dollar you spend should move you closer to your goals. This requires a shift in how you think about budgeting—it’s not just about covering costs; it’s about fuelling growth. 
  • Most businesses are overwhelmed with data but lack clarity on what actually drives success.
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Meet the Author

peter smith

CEO and Founder of New Era Management Services
M Bus, PGrad Bus, Bach. Bus, ICMA   

A lean management background with decades of experience working closely with hundreds of multi-disciplined leadership teams. 

Peter has a simple motto. "I believe that the underlying motivation that people hold is the need to invest in themselves and their organisation, sometimes they just need to know how to do this".

And his good news!

"This principle holds true for those of you in charge whether you are small or large scale".

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